Conductivity Probe
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Electrodes are at the heart of our Hydrastep and Hydratect system.
As well as being essential to the measurement of water and steam, they are also incredibly durable and reliable.
This is due to their specific design, as each electrode is handcrafted and tested to withstand both extreme pressures and temperatures. As a result they can endure harsh conditions for many years (even decades), ensuring that your plant will continue to operate safely and consistently.
Categories: Conductivity Probe, Mobrey, Product class, Steam & Water
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Hydratect 2462 System
Hydratect 2462 System
Hydrotect is an electronic alternative to conventional water level switches for steam-raising plants. Hydratect can be used in a wide variety of situations, wherever the detection of water or steam is vital for a plant’s safe and efficient operation.
The Hydratect 2462 control unit provides signal processing for two electrodes. Each channel monitors the status of its associated electrode. Four conductors are used between the control unit and each electrode so it can differentiate between steam, water, short-circuit, and open-circuit. A green LED indicates water, a red LED indicates steam and an amber LED indicates a fault condition. Each channel has a status relay to indicate water or steam, and a fault relay that will de-energise on a fault condition. The two channels are completely independent having separate power supplies, signal processing, and fault detection. The relay outputs can be externally wired for a ‘one out of two’ or ‘two out of two’ tripping scheme.
A Hydratect 2462 system consists of electrodes fitted into inserts and welded into the pipe work. Alternatively, manifolds can be supplied to technical drawings with inserts already in place. Electrodes are protected by covers. A military specification high-temperature cable connects each electrode to the Hydratect control unit.
A typical application to ensure TWIP (Turbine Water Induction Protection) is condensate level detection in drain pots (condensate pots).
Hydratect can be used to give compliance with ASME TDP-1, Prevention of Water Damage to Steam Turbines Used for Electric Power Generation: Fossil-Fuelled Plants.
Categories: Hydrastep / Hydratect, Steam & Water, Product class -
Hydrastep 2468 System
Hydrastep 2468 System
The Hydrastep 2468 is the modern day equivalent of the site glass to monitor, display and measure the output level of the water/steam interface. For use on water tube boiler steam drums and de-aerators, the Hydrastep name has become synonymous with steam drum level measurement, and through its evolution has ensured plant safety globally for more than five decades. Assessed by an external body and found to be SIL 2 capable, according to the requirements of IEC 61508. It is recognised by boiler inspectors and plant insurers, the ASME approved design ensures Hydrastep can be used as a Remote Level Indicator in compliance with ASME Boiler Code PG60.1.1. It is also approved by Factory Mutual for boiler level control and recommended within the UK’s Combustion Engineering Association’s water tube boiler guide BG11. All of this expertise is backed up by over 6000 installations of Hydrastep around the globe.
Key Features
• For use with 8 to 32 electrode inputs
• SIL 2 capable for use in a Safety Instrumented Function
• High clarity local and remote displays
• 32 segment green/red display of the water/steam interface level
• 4–20 mA output proportional to water/steam interface level
• Relay output option for high or low level alarms or trips
• Dual redundancy option for ultimate reliability
• Detect and indicate any fault conditions
• Contamination indication for preventative maintenance
• For use to 560 °C (1040 °F) and 300 Bar (4350 PSI)
• PED compliant as a Safety Accessory
• FM approved for boiler control
• Hazardous area approvedCategories: Hydrastep / Hydratect, Steam & Water, Product class
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