Wastewater treatment plants are essential for ensuring that the water we drink and use for our daily activities is free from contaminants. In order for these plants to operate efficiently, a variety of instruments are used to monitor and control the flow of water.
Did you know that only 1% of the world’s water is fit for consumption? Although 71% of the earth’s surface is water, it is far too salty to sustain human life, crops or plants on land. The heavy levels of salt are also far too corrosive for many industrial uses.
Only 3% of water is fresh water, 2% is contained in glaciers and the atmosphere, leaving only 1% shared between a growing global population, which is said to top 9 billion soon. This emphasizes the need and importance of handling water and its usage differently. The best way is to recycle the water we use, clean it, and send it back out into the community.
This is where some of our products come into their own, we produce a range of products to assist water treatment plants in understanding their sludge level in a sediment tanks and water quality.
Process Instrumentation in the wastewater industry
Process Instrumentation products work with other automation systems to keep staffing to a minimum without affecting safety standards. Only reliable and durable systems can continuously work successfully without human intervention. Any change in the conditions set is monitored and staff are notified before a problem becomes critical.
Our Products
We manufacture a wide rage of products for measuring and reporting changes in; temperature, pressure, level and flow, for the wastewater industry. These have been designed with accuracy and safety in mind, allowing you to run your plant more safely and more efficiently. Our instrument specialists can help you with the selection process and provide the support, advice, and fast response that you need.
Gap Sensor
We offer a complete range of instrumentation providing unmatched dependability and giving you the confidence to optimise and safeguard your operations.
To see more of product range, clickbelow
Case Study
By identifying the problem and location early, untreated water can be prevented from entering the clean water system. A lot of financial and administration time was saved, and the legal and social responsibility of the company is maintained.
The solution was a combination of our undissolved solids sensor, the 433SD, designed specifically for sludge level detection in tanks, and our control unit, the MSM400 series. Together, they provide a simple and cost-effective electronics system with LED indicators and outputs for alarm status.