Creating the best pressure switch for your company simply starts with you.


We know that that there are many applications for the pressure switch, so we work in tandem with you to build, manufacture and supply the most effective range of switches designed specifically for your needs.  Our range of switches include pressure, differential pressure, temperature, flow, and level.  All of which have differing uses, sometimes within the same project or application. All you need to do is tell us.


We have over 40 years of continued product innovation and development and are proud to have developed a range of switch options and variants which can be called upon to develop the switches that fit your needs.


The pressure switch can be used in a multitude of applications: heavy industry, environmental controls and fire safety systems, nuclear safety systems, industrial boiler control and wellhead panels to name just a few.  The range of applications is vast and ever changing.  As such Delta Mobrey has a range of pressure switches which can be manufactured to the needs of your organisation.


In addition to some the standard offerings we also include:


  • A switch with a diaphragm – for low pressure (majority of this for Nuclear)
  • A switch with bellows – for low pressure (majority of this for Nuclear)
  • Hi / lo switches where two different set points can be required
  • Adjustable differential switches – commonly used on compressors
  • Hermetically sealed micro switch, for use in a variety of extreme environmental conditions




Delta Mobrey Switches can be designed to work in the most hazardous environments without failure.  Their robust build and materials ensure there is continuous accuracy in the readings, assessment, and functionality of these products.  Having a pressure switch that continues to work with the minimum of maintenance and meets defined approvals gives confidence, not just in the switch but in the application itself.


Generic industry reports have quoted there is continued growth in the usage of pressure switches in traditional industries, such as Oil and Gas and then further growth in newer industries, such as electric vehicles as an example.  The increase in usage is estimated to be approx. 20% in 2023, from a figure of $1.69 billion dollars in 2018.


Delta Mobrey can work with you to provide the best range of switches you need for your project,  Before being dispatched they all undergo rigorous testing to ensure they do exactly what you need with the level of quality assurance you want.

For more info click below to contact your local office: